Matthew develops and facilitates unique learning sessions for business owners and their employees in Nova Scotia. He is very fond of employing learning techniques in new and innovative ways. Believing sessions and workshops don’t have to be teeth-grindingly tedious, Matthew is noted by peers and participants for injecting liveliness and promoting interactive environments while still reinforcing the core values and objectives of the subject matter. Connect with him on Twitter @matthewkguy.
Matthew Guy

About Matthew Guy
The social media course was fantastic! Chris Lewis is very well-schooled on current social media formats from facebook to hootsuite. Shannon Bouchie at NOBL put together this course specifically for real estate agents in Pictou County. This specialized course proved to be very interesting as I worked alongside my competitors yet expecting to achieve the same result: Marketing exposure through social media. This course helped me create a business page on fb, connect to twitter, google and hootsuite. Can’t wait for the new courses to start . - Denise White