Leadership Skills Level 2
Leadership Skills Level 2
Note: Level 2 Must be completed before level 3.
The ability to effectively communicate with co-workers is one of the keys to success for all in the workplace. Effective communication increases leadership, co-worker cooperation, teamwork, productivity, and bottom-line results.
The Leadership Skills Level 2 program is the second level of the three level leadership programs. This 40 hour program is for supervisors, business owners and leaders and will provide skills and techniques to improve and strengthen communication in the following topics:
Learning Outcomes
Giving and Receiving Feedback
Identify the three types of feedback found in the workplace
Triggers that impact feedback
The importance of the J curve influence after feedback
Effective Problem Solving Techniques for Results
Seven steps for effective problem solving in the workplace
The risk impact probability chart
The importance of the issues log in problem solving
Three problem solving strategies for workgroups
Conflict Resolution and Negotiation
Identify differences between positional bargaining/negotiation and interest based bargaining/negotiation
Five conflict resolution styles used in conflict and negotiation
The five steps of the negotiation process
Crucial Conversations
The need for a crucial conversation
The crucial conversation model
Steps to deliver a crucial conversation
Building Trust
Define trust and list its characteristics
Distinguish between high trust and low trust relationships
Define the trust tax versus the trust dividend
Define the trust triangle
The 13 behaviours of a high trust leader
Leading Without a Title
Identify the three key elements of creditability
The four cornerstones of leading with or without a title
The seven fundamentals of personal leadership
I am thankful for CBDC NOBL’s contribution toward this because for me this project was a huge cost and there is no way our business could have afforded to have it done alone. The consultant work we had done helped reinforce the positive attributes of our company, which helps to keep us motivated. It also outlined several small goals for us to work on to achieve our ultimate goal which is to create greater visibility of our farm outlet and draw more customers to us.
Lorenda Ebbett
Ebbett’s Meadow Brook Farm Market