Business Skills 101
Learning Outcomes
• Strategic planning and positioning
• Marketing fundamentals
• Pricing
• Management Skills
• Project Management
Course Details and Concepts
Define your strategic position
Complete SWOT analysis
Identify your guiding principles
Define your positioning statement
Cultivate a safety culture throughout your business
Define key elements of a marketing strategy
Assess the competitive landscape
Define your product/service offerings
Develop & strengthen distribution channels
Assess your promotional strategy
Understand fundamental pricing terminology
Identify profitable pricing strategies
Assess your Cost of Goods Sold and profit margin
Define team building and characteristics of high functioning teams
Define fundamental HR practices
Principles of running an effective meeting
Prioritizing, delegating and effective time management
Define the project planning cycle
Develop work breakdown schedule
If you have the opportunity to take one of Chris Lewis' classes you definitely should. You will learn a lot and have a good time doing it. Chris makes the classes fun and enjoyable. -Cheryl Langille
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