Eric Rowley is a seasoned human resources generalist with more than 25 years of experience in the field of human resources and labour relations. He has worked in multiple industries across Canada in both the private and public sectors and under both provincial and federal legislation. As a company executive, he has led the full human resources function of organizations for 20 years. Eric holds a Commerce Degree specializing in labour/management relations as well as a Certificate in Organizational Development.
Eric Rowley

About Eric Rowley
I am thankful for CBDC NOBL’s contribution toward this because for me this project was a huge cost and there is no way our business could have afforded to have it done alone. The consultant work we had done helped reinforce the positive attributes of our company, which helps to keep us motivated. It also outlined several small goals for us to work on to achieve our ultimate goal which is to create greater visibility of our farm outlet and draw more customers to us.
Lorenda Ebbett
Ebbett’s Meadow Brook Farm Market