Throughout Lynn MacKinnon’s 30-year career, she has had involvement in several business sectors including service, retail, farming, fishing and construction. She has been a financial instructor since 2011 and thoroughly enjoys learning the journey of the variety of business people taking her programs. Her program offerings include Dollars and Sense (basic financial management that every business owner should take!), Dollars and Sense Plus, Sage 50 and Sage 50 Level II. Lynn is the owner of MacKinnon Accounting in Bible Hill, NS.
Lynn MacKinnon

About Lynn MacKinnon
“Leading my first-ever CBDC-NOBL course, I can’t say enough about Lynn MacKinnon! She is an incredible instructor, and wow, does she know her stuff! I’ve learned more in five weeks than I did in all of my years in university, having taken multiple accounting and finance courses throughout. Lynn uses language and terms we can all understand, as well as practical, real-life examples to take us through the information we need to know for small business accounting; all of which I have already used. Lynn is hands-down the best instructor I’ve had to date, and I can only hope I have the great fortune of partaking in another course, led by her, in future. Thank you Lynn!” Tanya Colburne, Partner, Langille & Colburne – More Than Events